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class UdpReceiver { public void Start() { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ReceiveAndPrintMessages()); } private void ReceiveAndPrintMessages() { // create the UdpClient object UdpClient myUdpClient = new UdpClient(15000); // create the end point IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Receiver: Waiting for a message"); // wait to receive data byte[] data = myUdpClient.Receive(ref endPoint); // convert the byte data to a string string message = Encoding.Default.GetString(data); // print out the details of the received message Console.WriteLine("Receiver: Message from {0} on port {1}", endPoint.Address, endPoint.Port); Console.WriteLine("Receiver: Message is: {0}", message); } } } The Start method in Listing 21-16 uses the Task Parallel Library (TPL) to perform work in the background. I won t go into details about the TPL or the Task class here, so see 25 for full details. For the purposes of this chapter, the ReceiveAndPrintMessages method contains all the action. The ReceiveAndPrintMessages method creates a new UdpClient object; the constructor parameter indicates which port the UdpClient should use to listen for messages in this case, port 15000:
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The get() call here indirectly returns the value returned by doInBackground(). Until you call the execute() method, nothing is done yet as far as the thread actually running.
UdpClient myUdpClient = new UdpClient(15000);
The next step in code is to create an IPEndPoint object. You have to pass this object as a reference parameter to the Receive message (see 9 for details of reference parameters). When you receive a network message, the IPEndPoint object will be modified to give us details about where the message originated.
To wait for a message to arrive, you call the UdpClient.Receive method, which blocks until a message arrived and returns a byte array when one does. The array contains the message, which you convert to a string using the System.Text.Encoding class (details of which can be found in 26). The message and details about the sender obtained from the IPEndPoint object and printed to the console. Listing 21-17 demonstrates using the UdpClient class to send messages across the network. Listing 21-17. Sending Messages with the UdpClient Class using using using using System; System.Net; System.Net.Sockets; System.Text;
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For its marketing database, Bene tMall used SmartDM s DirectTR@K system, which got updates every 2 weeks from the Bene tMall system. This database stored all the information about each broker: past transactions, past marketing communications received, when the broker became a customer, and so on. The DirectTR@K system sent the emails automatically. It tracked who opened the emails, who clicked on the various links, and what emails bounced. While the DirectTR@K system sent the email communications directly, lists for the direct-mail and fax
class UdpSender { public void SendMessages() { // create the UdpClient object UdpClient myUdpClient = new UdpClient(); // specify where we want to send our messages myUdpClient.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, 15000); // enter a loop to send messages for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // create the string we will send string messageString = string.Format("{0} x {0} = {1}", i, i * i); // write out a message to the console Console.WriteLine("Sender: sending message: {0}", messageString); // convert the string to bytes byte[] dataArray = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(messageString); // send the bytes myUdpClient.Send(dataArray, dataArray.Length); } // close the UdpClient object myUdpClient.Close(); } } The SendMessages method in this class creates a new UdpClient and uses the connect method to detail where messages should be send. In this case, it is to port 15000 on the local machine. A for loop is then used to create a sequence of message strings, each of which is converted to a byte array using the Encoding class. The byte array is then passed to the UdpClient.Send method, which takes care of sending the data. The following code uses the classes in Listings 21-16 and 21-17 together: class UdpTest { static void Main(string[] args) { // create the UdpReceiver object and start listening
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